Sunday, March 15, 2009

parting ways

Last night, I sang in my fifth concert with the Young New Yorker's Chorus. We sang Rachmaninoff's All Night Vigil along with a few pieces by John Tavener. As always, it was a really wonderful experience for me. It was also very nice to have my parents in the audience! Thanks to those of you who were able to come hear us sing. It means a great deal to me.

Today I've had that sort of bittersweet feeling that always hits me after a concert. After weeks of engaging regularly and intensely with the music, I grow attached to the piece. The final days leading up to a concert are often when I find myself letting go and falling in love with the music. There is a sort of sadness, then, that ensues when the concert is over, and I realize that I won't be rehearsing the piece anymore. I like to keep the score and a good recording of the music. And every now and then, I get to sing an old piece that I know again; usually an exciting feeling.

Reluctantly on to the next thing, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. who is the photographer taking non-stop photos!?!
